Tarbiyatul Aulad #2


This is more of a note to myself. 
Almost everyday, I would realize my lack of knowledge in so many things, which does not only cause me so many disadvantages :( but even worse, can cause irreversible damages later. Why is this so?!
As our children main source of knowledge (at least before they start schooling, and early years are vital in shaping understanding), we are suppose to equip them with the right understanding of what it means to be a muslim. Tarbiyatul aulad, this is.
It no longer means knowing what is fardhu ain and what is fardhu kifayah anymore. In my current very limited understanding, the difficult yet vital part is providing the essence to every act we are ordered upon. The 'why-s' yet at the same time obeying regardless of whether we know the why-s (as some are kept secret/unknowing).
In a world so full of confusion nowadays, it will not be as easy as providing PAFA books like we had in our chilhood days. God knows how confusing it was to us even then.
But yet some of us grew to be so understandingI believe it is hugely the tarbiyatul aulad they received, even at a time where people have not heard of the term tarbiyatul aulad. Everyone grows up with their own heartaches, but having that small amount of extra understanding protects teenagers from so  much of heartaches, and mistakes. And now it is our turn. To prepare and guard our beloved sweethearts from that confusion, heartache, mistakes, and pain.
And as I said, its irreversible. Once they reach a certain age, some things can no longer be shaped. And it makes things so difficult.

Having children at 2, 3 years old, there's still time. This is a space for me to collect THINGS I HAVE TO KNOW by the time my children reach mumayyiz age (being able to differentiate right from wrong).
Lets try our best, dear Ummi, mama, mummy.. to be that knowledge bearer.
And let's not forget, it IS our responsibility. Something we will be asked about in not a too distant future.

A part of my fav song.
Isteri cerdik yang solehah
Dia umpama tongkat si buta
Bila tiada satu kehilangan
Dia ibarat simpanan ilmu
Semoga kekal untuk diwariskan

:: Puasa ::
Sempena bulan Ramadhan ini, banyakkan bercerita tentang puasa, puasa yang berbeza mengikut agama, puasa nabi-nabi yang berlainan, fadhilat puasa dan ganjarannya, puasa dari segi sains, puasa dan manfaatnya pada tubuh, ibadat khusus dalam bulan puasa dan sebagainya. Niatkanlah untuk menambahkan ilmu mereka tentang puasa. Jangan kedekut ilmu pada anak sendiri. Apa yang kita tahu, kita simpan untuk diri sendiri. Untuk mereka, kita katakan puasa itu adalah waktu sahur, sahur, tahan lapar, tahan dahaga dan last sekali waktu buka.. buka puasa. Sayangnya jika tidak mengambil kesempatan ini.. 


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