Tarbiyatul Aulad #3 :Tips

I came across some useful Tarbiyatul Aulad tips, can be used on Newborn until 6,7 yrs old, the earlier the better:

1. Repeat as if teaching them to say 'Allah', for newborn

2. While dressing up, eating, writing, playing, etc, teach them to say 
'makan kerana.. Allah', 'mandi kerana Allah', 'menulis kerana Allah'.. 
when they understand words, include reasons on why we say it as well

3. Sebelum tidur make it a practice to say:
Allah Maha Hebat
Alah Maha Kuat
Allah Maha Gagah
Semua yang kita buat hanya kerana Allah
Semoga dengan mengulang-ulang ayat ringkas ini sebelum tidur akan melahirkan rasa izzah, takut dan kagum terhadap Allah rabbul 'izzati

4. Teach daily do'a but children learn best thru action! You cannot expect them to practice it in the long term if you don't practice it.


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